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◇国際先端生命科学研究推進センター (international core-facility of advanced life science: ICALS) について

国際先端生命科学研究推進センター (ICALS) では、生命系5部局 (発生医学研究所 (IMEG)、生命資源研究・支援センター (IRDA)、医学部総合研究施設 (CLMRE)、薬学部機器分析施設 (IAC) および 国際先端医学研究機構 (IRCMS) が保有する独自の共用設備・機器について共有化を進めています。










◇ About the International Core-facility of Advanced Life Science (ICALS), Kumamoto University


ICALS have been founded by MEXT (grant name:Project for Promoting Public Utilization of Advanced Research Infrastructure) since 2017, and aimed to facilitate the idea of sharing research equipment located in 5 departments under Kumamoto University, such as Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics (IMEG), Institute of Resource Development and Analysis (IRDA), Core Laboratory for Medical Research and Education (CLMRE), Instrumental Analysis Center (IAC) and International Research Center for Medical Sciences (IRCMS).






To promote research equipment sharing, we have established online booking system which allows to search for and book equipment of your interest as you wish, and allocated ICALS members who are familiar with advanced research techniques and equipment maintenance, to state of the art equipment. Upon technical support by ICALS members, talented young researchers, e.g. tenure track faculties, postdoctral fellows and graduate students, are able to use cutting-edge technology effectively to drive their own researches, and to accelerate collaborations with international and domestic researchers and companies. In addition, the central management of the shared equipment will reduce machine troubles, maintenance costs, effective utilization of research spaces. By this way, we hope to extend our efforts as a model case to the entire university and beyond.