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【発生研】12/19*(火) 15:00~16:00 リエゾンラボ研究会 自治医科大学 大森 司 【IMEG】Dec 19th *(Tue.) 15:00~16:00 Liaison Laboratory regular seminars



【日時】12月19日 *(火) 15:00~16:00

【演者】大森 司 Tsukasa Ohmori 自治医科大学医学部 生化学講座 病態生化学部門 教授

Gene Therapy for genetic disorders of thrombosis and hemostasis

【場所】発生医学研究所 1Fカンファレンス室

担当分野 幹細胞誘導 江良(内線:6589)
We would like to inform you of a forthcoming Liaison Laboratory Seminar/ HIGO Program Cutting-edge Seminar.
*Please be noted that the seminar will be provided in Japanese.

【Date & Time】Tue, Dec 19, 12:00~13:00

【Speaker】Tsukasa Ohmori, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine

【Title】Gene Therapy for genetic disorders of thrombosis and hemostasis

【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG (on site only)