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【発生研】12/12 (水)16:00 - 17:00 第476回 発生研セミナー 【IMEG】December 12 (Wed.) 16:00~17:00 IMEG Seminar Series

第476回 発生研セミナーのお知らせです。

【Date】 December 12 (Tue), 2023  16:00~17:00

【Title】 Differentiation of human amniotic ectoderm and surface ectoderm

【Speaker】Shota NAKANOH(Babraham Institute, UK)

【Venue】1F Conference Room, IMEG


連絡先:脳発生分野 嶋村健児 (内線6583)


We are pleased to announce that the 476th IMEG Seminar will be held as below.

【Date】 December 12 (Tue), 2023  16:00~17:00

【Title】 Differentiation of human amniotic ectoderm and surface ectoderm

【Speaker】Shota NAKANOH(Babraham Institute, UK)

【Venue】1F Conference Room, IMEG

Languege will be either English or Japanese depending on the participants.

Contact:Kenji Shimamura, Dept. of Brain Morphogenesis, IMEG (#6583)

Please see the attched flyer for the details.