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【発生研】9/27(水) 12:00~13:00 リエゾンラボ研究会 大阪大学 青木 航 先生 【IMEG】Sep 27th (Wed.) 12:00 - 13:00 Liaison Laboratory regular seminars
【日時】9月27日(水) 12:00~13:00
【日時】9月27日(水) 12:00~13:00
【演者】青木 航 Wataru Aoki 大阪大学 大学院工学研究科 教授
【演題】Exploring the boundary between matter and life through a constitutive understanding of the ribosomal self-replication process
担当分野 分子生理学 富澤(内線:5050)
【場所】発生医学研究所 1Fカンファレンス室+Zoom(オンサイト・オンラインのハイブリッド開催です)
Zoom ミーティングのID、パスワードはMoodleの"HIGO最先端セミナー"でご確認ください。
担当分野 分子生理学 富澤(内線:5050)
We would like to inform you of a forthcoming Liaison Laboratory Seminar/ HIGO Program Cutting-edge Seminar.
【Date & Time】Wed, Sep 27, 12:00-13:00
【Speaker】Wataru Aoki, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
【Title】Exploring the boundary between matter and life through a constitutive understanding of the ribosomal self-replication process
【Date & Time】Wed, Sep 27, 12:00-13:00
【Speaker】Wataru Aoki, Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
【Title】Exploring the boundary between matter and life through a constitutive understanding of the ribosomal self-replication process
【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG, and Zoom online (Hybrid)
The Zoom ID and passcode for the seminar can be found under "HIGO Cutting Edge Seminar" in Moodle.
【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG, and Zoom online (Hybrid)
The Zoom ID and passcode for the seminar can be found under "HIGO Cutting Edge Seminar" in Moodle.
Please participate with the latest version of Zoom for security measures.
Please participate with the latest version of Zoom for security measures.