新着情報 News & Topics
【発生研】12/7(水) 12:00~13:00 リエゾンラボ研究会 東京大学医科学研究所 小林 俊寛 先生 【IMEG】Dec 7 (Wed.) 12:00 - 13:00 Liaison Laboratory regular seminars
※ 「 リエゾンラボ研究会/HIGOプログラム最先端研究セミナー」は、
※ 「 リエゾンラボ研究会/HIGOプログラム最先端研究セミナー」は、
【演者】小林 俊寛 Toshihiro Kobayashi 東京大学医科学研究所 幹細胞治療研究センター 特任准教授
【演題】Induction of germline fate from pluripotent stem cells in experimental animals
We would like to inform you of a forthcoming Liaison Laboratory Seminar/ HIGO Program Cutting-edge Seminar.
This seminar will be also held via Zoom.
【Date & Time】Wed, Dec 7th 12:00~13:00
【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG (Up to 20 people are allowed to enter the room to prevent COVID-19 infections)
【Speaker】Toshihiro Kobayashi1,2
【Title】Induction of germline fate from pluripotent stem cells in experimental animals

This seminar will be also held via Zoom.
【Date & Time】Wed, Dec 7th 12:00~13:00
【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG (Up to 20 people are allowed to enter the room to prevent COVID-19 infections)
【Speaker】Toshihiro Kobayashi1,2
1 Division of Mammalian Embryology, Center for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
2 Center for Genetic Analysis of Behavior, National Institute for Physiological Sciences
【Title】Induction of germline fate from pluripotent stem cells in experimental animals

You can find the Zoom meeting ID and passcode "HIGO Cutting Edge Seminar" on Moodle.
(Other seminar dates are also listed on this page.)
(Other seminar dates are also listed on this page.)