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*開催中止【発生研】9/21(水) 12:00 - 13:00 リエゾンラボ研究会 がん研究会がん研究所 大学 保一 先生 *cancelled【IMEG】Sep 21 (Wed.) 12:00 - 13:00 Liaison Laboratory regular seminars
※ 「 リエゾンラボ研究会/HIGOプログラム最先端研究セミナー」は、
【演者】大学 保一 Yasukazu Daigaku 公益財団法人がん研究会がん研究所 がんゲノム動態プロジェクト プロジェクトリーダー
【演題】Genome-wide profiling of DNA polymerase usage and replication kinetics in human cells
※We regret to inform you that the following seminar scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled. We are sorry that happened and apologies for any this may cause (Sep 20th updated).
We would like to inform you of a forthcoming Liaison Laboratory Seminar/ HIGO Program Cutting-edge Seminar.
This seminar will be also held via Zoom.
【Date & Time】Wed, Sep 21th 12:00~13:00
【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG (Up to 20 people are allowed to enter the room to prevent COVID-19 infections)
【Speaker】Yasukazu Daigaku (The Cancer institute of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research)
【Title】Genome-wide profiling of DNA polymerase usage and replication kinetics in human cells

We would like to inform you of a forthcoming Liaison Laboratory Seminar/ HIGO Program Cutting-edge Seminar.
This seminar will be also held via Zoom.
【Date & Time】Wed, Sep 21th 12:00~13:00
【Venue】Conference Room, IMEG (Up to 20 people are allowed to enter the room to prevent COVID-19 infections)
【Speaker】Yasukazu Daigaku (The Cancer institute of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research)
【Title】Genome-wide profiling of DNA polymerase usage and replication kinetics in human cells

You can find the Zoom meeting ID and passcode "HIGO Cutting Edge Seminar" on Moodle.
(Other seminar dates are also listed on this page.)
(Other seminar dates are also listed on this page.)